Try the online demo

The online demo is the easiest way for you to try out the ICA-AtoM software right away. It is available at

Using a default demo user name and password you will be able to navigate through the software like an administrator user. The demo website refreshes every hour with default data so you are free to make any changes you like.

Download and run as a virtual appliance

Run ICA-AtoM as a virtual appliance on any operating system. This option allows you to try ICA-AtoM on your personal computer if you don’t have access to your own webserver on which to install ICA-AtoM.

A virtual appliance is one file containing a minimal operating system and server software. You can "play" this file with a free virtual machine player. When you play the virtual appliance, it starts the second operating system and server software inside the player, on top of your existing operating system. There is no need to reboot or install anything except the player. You can then connect to the web server running inside the virtual machine player with your regular web browser.

See the ICA-AtoM virtual appliance wiki page for a download link and detailed installation instructions.